Dnia wtorek, 2 grudnia 2014 7:54:25 AM Robert Moskowitz pisze:
I'd like to know what is the status if arm-dev project? I recently bought A20- OlinuXino-MICRO board (https://www.olimex.com/wiki/A20-OLinuXino-MICRO) and successfully run it with their official Linux image. But it's Debian...
And another Allwinner user!
Not yet exactly (:) i'm at pretty early stage of research - but this looks promising (also the price).
Here are the general instructions for installing the beta: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/F21/Installation Your board is supported in the uboot: /usr/share/uboot/A20-OLinuXino_MICRO You will have to do the manual install for your uboot. Once you figure it out, you might want to tell Paul what changes to make to his install script to support your board (I provided him with the Cubieboard2 change).
This board has bootloader included as it seems.
You will have to do the following mod to get the serial console working with this uboot: Modify the following line in __boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf adding the console line. append ro root=UUID=b6a0bdb6-46ac-4206-b116-72e95429cfcd console=ttyS0,115200
And it works! As for now it fall into endless loop throwing many errors (with FS also) - i need to investigate it further. Maybe i will write card again?
I **think** I have provided you everything I have learned about getting the F21 beta working. This is stuff we will have to follow for the Centos7-arm port.
And it was very helpful indeed! Many, many thanks!
I'd say get the F21 working on your board. Perhaps join the fedora-arm list. Get familiar with your board with redhatish stuff until we finally get this port underway. Centos7 is built on F19, so there is enough common still in F21.
Yes, there is for sure long way ahead of me. I'll need to dig deeper (uboot stuff for example is magic for me right now as it worked OOTB).
Good to know there's a point to begin. Thanks again, you saved me a lot of time and frustration at the beginning.