Check the x86_64 repos and see if they are there, as I would expect. Then work with our builders to get them added.
If they are in the epel7_x86_64, then join the 'figure out how to get epel7-arm' built group....
On 01/16/2016 11:06 PM, david wrote:
In my attempts to get a Raspberry Pi 2 environment (using Centos7 - arm7hl 1511) working and doing the kinds of server things I think I would like, I noticed that there's no support for several goodies I'm used to using:
pptpd (poptop)
ntfs-3g (for reading windows disks)
I've consulted the repositories supplied with the 1511 distribution, plus:
epel (baseurl=
Is there anything in plan for these items?
My goal is to replace some Centos 6 ancient machines with Arm plus external hd.
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