Thank you for the answer. I'll test the image and let you know (expect and update at the end of the week)
Best Regards,
-----Message d'origine----- De : Arm-dev arm-dev-bounces@centos.org De la part de Johnny Hughes Envoyé : lundi 3 juin 2019 19:29 À : arm-dev@centos.org Objet : Re: [Arm-dev] ARM aarch64 rootfs questions
On 6/3/19 8:12 AM, Christophe Polyte wrote:
Ive some small arm (rock64) boards for which I want to deploy CentOS.
They are based on uboot.
Ive a custom kernel, then I deploy the (old) provided rootfs (CentOS-7-aarch64-rootfs-7.4.1708.tar.xz).
Everything is working properly, but now I want to have an up to date image (ideally with less components to remove after deployment) to flash my other devices.
Ive two questions:
- Why an up to date image 1810 is not provided ?
- What would be the proper and cleaner way to do it myself (for example with deploying a clean true minimal system on a qemu aarc64 VM), maybe a simple tar, but what arguments should I care to be as clean a possible regarding permissions and SELinux context ?
We no longer officially do uboot images as part of the real aarch64 release .. so it is not in the main isos/ directory for that arch.
All the Red Hat supported AltArches (ppc64, ppc64le, arch64) are done the same way and contain the same types of install isos. Armhfp is different as there is no el7 version of that and it gives use more leeway.
However, I have created an image that you can test here:
If this works, I will continue posting updated images there on a frequent basis .. usually monthly. So it is not officially supported, but we can maintain it for testing.
Give CentOS-7-aarch64-1905.img.xz a try and let me know if it works for you. It should have all the latest updates.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes