On 19/12/16 20:40, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
After some struggle with old, frozen, memories (hey it is just about 0f here in Detroit!)...
I built an image of Fedora25:
After going through the install and booting up on a Cubieboard2 (could have been any board, see next step),
I grabbed the .bin from:
And used that to overlay the CubieTruck img's uboot.
dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8; sync <- replace sdb with your device.
Worked like a charm. I would suspect this will work for all of the A20 boards.
Is someone interested in my emailing them the Cubieboard2 uboot bin to put up somewhere? Or perhaps the distro maintainer could put a directory off where the images are for specific uboots to be added as people get a new board working by simply replacing the uboot bin.
Do you mean the rpm containing already all this ? http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7.3.1611/extras/armhfp/Packages/uboot-image...