date command is showing the time in UTC, not EDT...
ARGH! Now I have to find my notes about setting the timezone with no GUI.
On 08/19/2015 04:59 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I installed Chrony and rsyslog, neither were in the minimal pre-alpha image. I see NTP starting and date is getting set.
journalctl was already present
On 08/19/2015 04:48 PM, wrote:
Chronyd and rsyslog should both be available via the special yum repos pointing to the plague builds, if they weren't in your base install. You should also have the journalctl command at you disposal.
On August 19, 2015 11:42:53 AM CDT, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On 08/18/2015 12:20 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote: Since no ntp function, no date time update. Well this is pre-alpha. Simply installing ntp is not enough to get ntp time update shortly after booting. And with no /var/log/messages I can't look for errors. Any pointers for setting up both ntp (sntp?) and logging until we get a build that provides this, is highly appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm-dev mailing list
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