On 01/01/2016 06:27 PM, Andreas Reschke wrote:
Hi there,
I've build my own webserver (thanks to Robert Moskowitz) with the cubietruck. I've bought a LiPo UPS (http://www.pollin.de/shop/dt/MTU3NzkyOTk-/Bausaetze_Module/Entwicklerboards/...)
What you have bought is a 5.3Ah rechargeable battery, not an UPS. An UPS has its own electronics.
My search at the internet found, that with Cubian or other Debian-based OS there is way to monitor the powerpack with "cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent".
How tho manage it with CentOS? There is no such directory.
start by looking below /sys/class/power_supply/bat* and verify what exists over there. If there is NOTHING looking as what you need, it might be that the kernel lacks some config options.