thinking this over during my commute this afternoon, I think we still overcomplicate it a bit :)
I started out with packaging binary blobs from github. One of the things I noticed was that different builds could have the same kernel version. To allow for both being present at the same system at the same time, I needed the ugly linking logic (specially in the /lib/modules directory). But now we build ourselves. we can control the kernel version and thus don't need the ugly links any more.
any thoughts?
On 25-09-16 21:09, Jacco Ligthart wrote:
Hi Fabian,
I updated this to version 4.4.21, while fixing some bugs along the way.
See attached SPEC file.
On 11-07-16 19:22, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
I just rebased the raspberry pi 2/3 kernel to 4.4.14, with a specific patch to cover also selinux/auditd support.
I'd like to have some additional testers (tested on my rpi2 and rpi3 boards). Create (for example) the /etc/yum.repos.d/kernel.repo file with the following content :
[kernel] name=rpi kernel baseurl= gpgcheck=0 enabled=1
Then a traditional "yum update ; systemctl reboot" If you want to have selinux working, feel free to follow , except that for rpi2/rpi3, there is no /boot/exlinux/extlinux.conf, but rather edit /boot/cmdline.txt
Thanks for the feedback, and then we'll be able to sign/push those to mirrors (and also include those in newer images for rpi2/rpi3)
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