If I had a C2 image to work with, I would spin that up to replace F22.
The only difference between the image for Cubietruck and the image for Cubieboard2 is the u-boot. I haven't tried this (as I don't have a Cubieboard2), but you should be able to use rbfinstaller.py from the rbf github repo to install the Cubietruck image on to a microSD card which would be usable on Cubieboard2. Just select Cubieboard2 from the boards list presented by rbfinstaller.py
You can do this on your desktop. git clone https://github.com/mndar/rbf.git ./rbfinstaller.py <path-to-image.img> <microSD-device>
Another option; you can just overwrite u-boot on the microSD with the one for Cubieboard2 The u-boot used by RBF for Cubieboard2 is here https://github.com/mndar/rbf/tree/master/files/cubieboard2 Write it to your microSD using this command. Assuming /dev/sdd is your microSD device
dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdd bs=1024 seek=8 conv=fsync,notrunc
Let us know if it works.
Regards Mandar Joshi