Hello Guys,
Almost forgot . The kernel config that needs to be done to make drivers work is as follows :
One more thing . The start of the patch includes the Lamobo R1 specific dtb , which is slightly different from the Bananapi . It enables the SATA power , so you can use the on board SATA socket (otherwise it will be power less - or on reduced voltage) . Also the current uboot-tools has additional Lamobo performance tuning such as different PHY delay , this is because of the different board layout , and track length compared with the banana . All this additional stuff is just icing-on-top , as the R1 will still work happily on the generic banana uboot settings . I have had it running on the generic banana setting for over a year without any major issue (on Fedora 21) . It was just recently - since last Dec , that I moved over to the specific Lamobo uboot settings .
So if you plan just to run it on the bananapi settings , you can leave the lamobo bit out .
Best Regards Milorad