On 05/03/16 11:56, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
On Sat, Mar 05, 2016 at 10:26:25AM +0700, Phong Vo wrote:
There should be no issue of replacing U-boot in SPI nor with the mp30ar0 Tianocore version. But you need to use the mp30ar0_tianocore_media.img I provide, not the one supplied with the Mustang board. It was likely the person burn the wrong BIOS on the board!
You can burn the Tianocore image from U-boot using TFTP. Please check and setup your U-boot variables:
media_addr_r=0x4001000000 media_img=mp30ar0_tianocore_media.img spi_load=tftp ${media_addr_r} ${user_dir}/${media_img} spi_update=sf probe 0; sf erase 0x0 ${filesize}; sf write ${media_addr_r} 0x0 ${filesize}
To be absolutely clear, the above are not u-boot commands? You have to use setenv and quote the parameters?
The above looks like a subset of what printenv returns in u-boot. To set it the equivalent incantation would be:
setenv media_addr_r '0x4001000000' setenv media_img 'mp30ar0_tianocore_media.img' setenb spi_load=tftp '${media_addr_r} ${user_dir}/${media_img}' setenv spi_update=sf 'probe 0; sf erase 0x0 ${filesize}; sf write ${media_addr_r} 0x0 ${filesize}'
Apologies for the extra linebreak on the last line due to MUA wrapping the lines.
Second question: In the tarball you previously posted, the .img file is called 'mp30ar0_media.img' (not 'mp30ar0_tianocore_media.img'). Is that correct or is there a newer version somewhere?
Third question: How do I set the MAC address in this TianoCore? RHEL booted up with MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00 which meant nothing else worked of course.
Michael raised this issue earlier. Even though the MAC addresses are set correctly in u-boot, it looks like the kernel doesn't pick it up.