On 06/18/2015 03:33 PM, Mandar Joshi wrote:
The filesystem rpm also has issues on the raspi2 .. it fails to install either while creating the image OR afterwards .. and a weird symlink happens in / that looks like this:
lib;0001e142 -> usr/lib
Here is the error:
Error unpacking rpm package filesystem-3.2-18.el7.armv7hl error: unpacking of archive failed on file /lib: cpio: rename Verifying : filesystem-3.2-18.el7.armv7hl
But that also works on cubietruck.
These issues could be related as filesystem is just a bunch of directories so something is happening with symlinking or renaming of directories.
Found the problem. In case of a custom kernel (Rpi2 and Odroid C1) the kernel modules were being copied before installing packages. The kernel modules go in /lib. I guess that is what was causing the problem. /lib being present before installing the filesystem rpm I moved the installation of kernel after network config and tested generation of images for Rpi2 and OdroidC1. No more errors! I uploaded changes to the github repo. However, I haven't tested the change thoroughly. Just generated the images once.
I can confirm that the rpi2 image did not have the errors WRT glibc and filesystem. I have copied said image to an SD Card and I am looking at it now.
I did notice an error in gnutls install that said:
Error in GnuTLS initialization: Failed to acquire random data.
I am not sure this is a major issue in the chroot install .. I will reinstall gnutls on the image once on the machine and see if we get the same error.
I will also try to verify that this had no impact on other packages in the image install that might have required something from gnutls.