I'm getting ready to upgrade to Centos-3.1, but I have a database
application that is having difficulty. It needs the libstdc++ libraries.
When I run it, it generates the following message:
error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
Well, this error doesn't look so bad, as long as I can run Yum on it and
get the libraries. Unfortunately, the Yum install fails with a bad GPG key.
I've done this Yum install on Centos-2 (for the same library), so I'm not
sure why I'm seeing a failure.
Here's what I see when I run Yum (I added the -t hoping to ignore the
[root@linux root]# yum -t install compat-libstdc++
Gathering header information file(s) from server(s)
Server: CentOS-3.1 - Addons
Server: CentOS-3.1 - Base
Server: CentOS-3.1 - Extras
Server: CentOS-3.1 - Updates
Finding updated packages
Downloading needed headers
Resolving dependencies
Dependencies resolved
I will do the following:
[install: compat-libstdc++ 7.3-2.96.128.i386]
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Getting compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.128.i386.rpm
compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96 100% |=========================| 1.0 MB 00:23
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 025e513b
Error: Could not find the GPG Key necessary to validate pkg
Error: You may want to run yum clean or remove the file:
Error: You may also check that you have the correct GPG keys installed
If you have any ideas how to get the libraries, that would be a big help to
finishing this move.
All the best,
yum was unable to find and install netatalk, so i used RH9 package. It
successfully installed, but didn't started.
Dmesg showed me that some module is missing. I pressume I will need to
compile new kernel, right ?
Best Regards
When I try : yum -y update I get the error:
Error: Could not find the GPG Key necessary to validate pkg
Error: You may want to run yum clean or remove the file:
Error: You may also check that you have the correct GPG keys
This has not happened to me on other distributions. How do I get the
correct GOG key and install it?
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science
Trinity University
One Trinity Place.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200
telephone: (210)-999-7484
Hash: SHA1
There is an update to squirrelmail for CentOS 3.1
https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2004-240.html refers.
Updated files are :-
These are available at http://mirror.centos.org/3.1/ and should be on
all mirrors within a few hours.
To update to the latest version 'yum update squirrelmail' should be
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
uklinux.net - The ISP of choice for the discerning Linux user.
The following errata for CentOS-2 have been built and uploaded the the
centos mirror:
RHSA-2004:244-01 Updated Tripwire packages fix security flaw
RHSA-2004:245-01 Updated httpd and mod_ssl packages fix minor Apache
security vulnerabilities
Files available:
The easy way to make sure you are up to date with all the latest patches
is to run:
# yum update
John Newbigin - Computer Systems Officer
School of Information Technology
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia
Hi all,
Just a quick question regarding yum update. Is it possible to configure
yum to use one of the mirror site instead of mirror.centos.org ? If its
possible, which file need to be editted, I see three yum config in /etc
Roy Kartadinata
Pixie Internet Services
"This is Linux country. If you listen carefully, you can hear Windows
The cAos Foundation and hosted projects have been granted a booth in the Dot
Org Pavilion of Linux World Expo in SF this August.
If you are a developer or contributor of the project and would like to help
staff the both, please send me a private email so we can coordinate.
I don't have the actual numbers of Exhibitor badges that we can get yet, but I
would assume it is not many. This means it is first come first serve to
receive a booth duty free pass.
BTW, only people who can dedicate the entire show time including an extra day
before and possibly after the show for setup and tear-down (thus August 1-6)
should consider volunteering.
Greg M. Kurtzer
I have just successfully updated a RH-9 file server to CentOS-3.1. I'm
VERY impressed. I have a client who has 4 Redhat servers (1 x 7.3 and 3
x 9.0) that I would like to migrate to CentOS-3.1.
Question: My client is willing to send a donation for these boxes but
they just want to send you (caosity.org) a check that will cover the
next couple of years.
Who do we make the check out to? Where do we send the check?
And if a bulk donation via check is OK, then please publish the payee
information on the website.
Another suggestion...
Under the "Contribute to the CaOS Foundation", I think it might be
useful to specifically list the current help or tasks wanted/needed for
the foundation.
Just my $0.10 worth ($0.02 adjusted for inflation).
Michael Chinn
can anybody help me on this subject ?
Perhpas somebody has a how to to create a new install cd with a working
kernel image for this sata raid controller
Best regards
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