Hi all,
Location: Europe / Belgium
Bandwith: 100 mbit,
Organisation name: WeePee telecom (http://www.weepeetelecom.eu)
Mirror via HTTP only: http://centos.weepee.org
We mirror everything, and we would like to mirror the DVD`s as well (we have apache > 2.2 so we can server large files ;))
Joeri van Dooren
Westkapelsesteenweg 103
8380 Brugge 5 (Dudzele)
T: 070 66 03 04
F: 070 66 00 61
We (ftp.heanet.ie) use a seperate machine for performing rsyncs of the
mirror content: rsyncer.ftp.heanet.ie, / 2001:770:18:2::88
Could this be granted access?
Rob Gallagher | Public Key: 0x841386E3
HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network
1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1.
Registered in Ireland, no 275301
T: (+353-1) 6609040 F: (+353-1) 6603666 WWW: http://www.heanet.ie/
New Mirror
by InterNetX - Carsten Schoene
27 Feb '18
27 Feb '18
i've setup a new public mirror:
Location: Germany, Munich
Link speed: 1Gbit
Sync: every 4 hours
HTTP: http://centos.schlundtech.de/
FTP: ftp://centos.schlundtech.de/centos/
RSYNC: rsync://centos.schlundtech.de/centos/
Sponsor: Schlund Technologies GmbH
Sponsor URL: http://www.schlundtech.de
Mirror Admin Contact: mirror-admin(a)schlundtech.de
Carsten Schöne
Team Leader Datacenter / Leiter Rechenzentrum
Dear Support Team,
NhanHoa Software company has setup a new mirror server for CentOS in Vietnam.
HTTP: http://mirror.nhanhoa.com/CentOS/
Country : Vietnam
City: Ha Noi
Sponsoring Organization : Nhan Hoa Co., Ltd
URL of Sponsoring Organization: http://nhanhoa.com/
Bandwidth cap: 100Mbps
Update Frequency: 4 times a day
Contact Email: thinhdd[at]nhanhoa[dot]com[dot]vn
Please add this server to public mirror list of CentOS
Best regards,
Thanks and regards
Dang Duc Thinh
Technical Support
Tel: 04.35626533 (ext 161)
Nhan Hoa Software Company
Head office: 32 Vo Van Dung Str., Dong Da, Ha Noi
Branch: 366 Cao Thang Str., Ward 12, Dist. 10, HCMC.
Email: Sales(a)nhanhoa.com - Kinhdoanh(a)nhanhoa.com
Tel: 84.4 35626 533 - 84.8 3868 2168
Fax: 84.4 35626 539 - 84.8 38681 015
I own a dedicated server, providing a few personnal services, and
freshly configured to act as a CentOS mirror.
It's http://centos.quelquesmots.fr/
No BW cap, 150mbps.
It’s connected to Iliad/Free.fr network, located in DC3,
Vitry-sur-Seine, 61 rue Julian Grimau.
Sync happens every 6 hours from eu-msync.centos.org::CentOS
I’ll be glad if you could add it to mirror list.
Feel free to contact me if you need any changes in conf or sync, or
find any problem with it.
Keep up the good work,
PS: It of course runs CentOS ;)
Here are new CentOS public mirror located at RU/Moscow
Server have 1 GB connection to the public Internet and syncing each 4
hours from master.
Mirror installed by RosBusinessConsulting (http://www.rbc.ru)
technical contacts available via centos-mirrors-list(a)rbc.ru
Could you, please, add this mirror to the list ?
Thank you!
With best regards
Now we have upgraded our Bandwidth to 1Gbps.> HTTP:http://mirrors.opencas.cn/centos/
> Sync schedule: Every 8 hrs
> Bandwidth: 100Mbps
> Location: China
> Sponsor: Open Source Software Association ofChinese Academy of Sciences
> Sponsor URL: http://www.opencas.org/
> IP to authorize:
> Email contact: admin(a)opencas.cn
Fala pessoal bom dia.
Estou com um problema e queria compartilhar com vocês do grupo, vai que alguém já passou por essa situação antes, bom vamos lá:
Somos um AS detentores de um bloco IP, possuímos 2(dois) acessos Internet: L3 e Embratel, ambas divulgando nosso bloco.
O problema em questão ocorre quando tentamos fechar VPNs SSL para determinados países ex:
Hong Kong, Kenya, Malasya, Singapore, UAE, UK, US
Tenho certeza que o problema está no meu bloco por que se faço um NAT utilizando o IP de Wan dos roteadores de Internet consigo fechar as VPNs.
Detalhe já testei em ambos acessos.
Alguém pode me informar quem devo acionar nesse caso ?
Igor Trigueirinho
RTM - Rede de Telecomunicações para o Mercado
Diretoria de Operações RTM | Engenharia
(11 ou 21) 2102 7876 | rtm.net.br<http://www.rtm.net.br/>
» RTM, uma empresa ANBIMA e Cetip.
PENSE NO FUTURO, PRESERVE O MEIO AMBIENTE: só imprima se realmente tiver necessidade.
Please update our mirror IP address to the following to allow rsync.
JCHost.net Internet Services
JamesCornick| President, Owner
M: 816/935-8830
E: james.cornick(a)jchost.net <mailto:james.cornick@jchost.net>
W: http://www.jchost.net
HTTP: http://mirrors.centos.webair.com/centos
RSYNC: rsync://mirrors.centos.webair.com/centos
Sync schedule: Every 2 hrs
Bandwidth: 1Gbps
Location: Garden City, Long Island, NY, USA
Sponsor: Webair Internet Development, Inc
Sponsor URL: https://www.webair.com
IPv4 to authorize: (whole CIDR)
IPv6 to authorize: 2604:9e00:e::200/120 (whole CIDR)
Email contact: status [at] webair.com
Logan Best | Senior Infrastructure Engineer @Webair.com
Webair Internet Development Inc. | 501 Franklin Ave | Garden City, NY 11530
Office 516.938.4100, ext. 223 | Fax 516.938.5100
This email and any files transmitted with it may contain privileged or confidential information. Use, disclosure, copying or distribution of this message by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of this message in your possession, custody or control.
Http: http://mirror.myren.net.my
sync schedule: Everyday GMT +8 0600 and 0000 hours
Bandwidth: 100Mbps
Location: Malaysia
Sponsor: Malaysia Research and Education Network
Sponsor URL. www.myren.net.my
IP to authorize:
Email contact: ismael(a)myren.net.my
Ismael bin Azman
Cloud Engineer
Malaysian Research And Education Network
Our mirror, lug.mtu.edu has been upgraded to a 1Gb/s connection. With this
change, we were required to change our IPv4 and IPv6 address. I've
documented the information below. Let me know if you need any more
information, our syncs are currently failing since our new IPs aren't added
to the ACL.
HTTP: http://lug.mtu.edu/centos/
HTTPS: https://lug.mtu.edu/centos/
FTP: ftp://lug.mtu.edu/centos/
RSYNC: rsync://lug.mtu.edu/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
Bandwidth: 1Gb/s
Location: Houghton, MI US
Sponsor: Michigan Technological University: Linux/UNIX Users' Group
URL: lug.mtu.edu
IPv6: 2001:48a8:11:97d::84:84
Email contact: lug(a)mtu.edu or lug-server-admins-l(a)mtu.edu
Jared Ledvina
MTU LUG President
Lead Server Admin
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Server Status: status.lug.mtu.edu
General List: lug-l(a)mtu.edu
Server Admins: lug-server-admins-l(a)mtu.edu
eBoard: lug-eboard-l(a)mtu.edu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Some remarks though :
> - - can you sync at least 4 times/day (or more ?) : twice a day isn't
> enough and your mirror will become quickly invalidated
> - - a GeoIP lookup (using telize.com GeoIP Json api) seems to think that
> this IP is in Texas.
I changed the rsync, 1 per 4 hours (6 or 7 Per day).
The server is located in San Jose, CA.
Other IP of the same server:
This IP is located in Dallas, TX, only the IP.
Good day,
HTTP: http://centos.sitiolinel.com/
RSYNC: rsync://centos.sitiolinel.com/centos/
Sync schedule: 1 x 12 Hours
Bandwidth: Unlimited
Location: US, San Jose, CA
Sponsor: Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Hosting, Dominios
Sponsor URL: https://www.sitiolinel.com
IP to authorize:
Email contact: equipo(a)sitiolinel.com
Speed/port: 1024mbps internet private/public
Datacenter: Softlayer, United States
HTTP: http://mirror.evolvedservers.com/CentOS
Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
Bandwidth: 100Mbps, no cap
Location: Southfield, Michigan, United States
Sponsor: Evolved Servers
Sponsor URL: http://www.evolvedservers.com/
IP to authorize:
Email contact: sb(a)evolvedservers.com
Http: http://mirror.myren.net.my
sync schedule: Everyday GMT +8 0600 and 0000 hours
Bandwidth: 100Mbps
Location: Malaysia
Sponsor: Malaysian Research and Education Network
Sponsor URL. www.myren.net.my
IP to authorize:
Email contact: ismael(a)myren.net.my
Ismael bin Azman
Cloud Engineer
Malaysian Research And Education Network