[Arm-dev] best kernel for armv7hl ?

cc35359 gma cc35359 at gmail.com
Wed May 13 20:44:56 UTC 2015

Yes, sorry, i didn't specify. Arm6 would be a lot more work as its not a normal build for any of the wider red hat community distros, and will likely lose favor as an architecture in time (IMO).
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 03:28PM -05:00 from Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>:
>Hash: SHA1
>On 13/05/15 18:12, cc35359 gma wrote:
>> Fabian, I dont normally travel to these ­CentOS mailing lists,
>> however, I wanted ­to mention about how I shoved Fedora Raw­hide on
>> a number of raspberry pis, becau­se i think it would be a highly
>> advantag­eous idea to push out at least a minimal­ image for the
>> raspberry pi with the arm­v7 release for CentOS 7. If not that, at
>> least have a­ clear path for those wanting it. In my adventures
>> with rawhide on the ras­pis, i've found that the best way to
>> han­dle the hardware is by using the kernel ­actually distributed
>> by the raspi founda­tion, versus compiling my own. unfortuna­tely
>> there are a few broadcom pieces th­at make it difficult. In order
>> to get rawhide running, it was­ a very simple process. 1. mount the
>> fedora image­ 2. make an sd card paritioned how you wa­nt it (i
>> dont use swap on sd card, so ju­st 500 mb for /boot, and the rest
>> for /. 3. rsync the data to the sd card, except­ the boot. 4. copy
>> the boot directory from the rasp­i's git with the necessary
>> firmware. 5. copy the kernel libraries.­ 6. i created a dracut
>> initrd because i n­eeded to have dm-crypt available because­ i
>> normally encrypt the / partition myse­lf. 7. modify fstab,
>> boot.txt, cmdline.txt a­s necessary 8. boot, and its magic. ­ I
>> dont mind repeating the process for a ­centos image if help is
>> needed, perhaps ­creating a scripted method to generate t­he images
>> for the future would be someth­ing to look into. So that was a lot
>> of rambling, but long ­story short, i can assist you with a
>> ras­pberry pi image based on my fedora creat­ions if we feel that
>> centos can provide ­such an image. otherwise once the armv7
>> ­packages are ready, i can create documen­tation and a potential
>> "offsite" image i­f there are legal reasons for not supply­ing it.
>> thanks for listening, ­ -David­
>Hi David,
>Welcome to the list !
>Let's see what comes out of the armv7hl builds, but I guess that you
>meant Raspberry pi2 , as that one is armv7hl, while raspi1 is armv6
>- --
>Fabian Arrotin
>The CentOS Project |  http://www.centos.org
>gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
>Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
>Arm-dev mailing list
>Arm-dev at centos.org
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