[Arm-dev] To: Conversations around CentOS on ARM hardware <arm-dev at centos.org>

Wed Jul 26 12:52:23 UTC 2017
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 07/26/2017 05:10 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 07/25/2017 09:18 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> The OP has this working.  He wants aarch64 which is not working yet, it
>> seems according to the aarch64 maintainer.
> Our aarch64 distro is built to install on machines that support
> uefi/grub2.  It is not really designed to run on uboot machines.  People
> have gotten it working on uboot setups, but each machine is unique to
> install and maintain that way.  With 4 or less GB of installed RAM, it
> is not worth the effort (IMHO) to try to make the aarch64 version run.

I am assuming you are saying that aarch64 will not work on a IPi3 unless 
someone does the uboot work?

Not that I have any interest in ANY RPi.

> He also wants LDXE for the
>> GUI.  This is not built into the Minimal image.  You have to add it.
>> Somehow.
> LXDE is not built by Fedora in EPEL, so it has never been built at all
> for CentOS by the CentOS team (that I know of).  There is xfce (as I
> said before), but I am not sure how well even that works.  Basically,
> CentOS for ARM32 is not really designed to run in Workstation, or even
> GUI, mode.  It is basically a CLI implementation for server type
> services .. although we strive to get as many packages, both from the
> CentOS-7 repo and EPEL 7 repo, as possible to build.

There has always been an LXDE build for Fedora-armhfp, see:


And earlier releases, but not for Fedora-26?


I see LXDE for the F27 beta on:


But I don't see any successful builds (at least a few days back), but 
there are builds for Xfce there.

I tried LXDE during the F24 beta and did not like it.  I have been on 
Xfce since F21-arm (or was it the special F18 build?  Old history, 
anyway).  I use Xfce on my x64 notebook and get much longer battery 
usage than I did with Gnome!

I should try putting Xfce on one of my Cubies with Centos7 just for the 
'exercise'; won't be for a few weeks, as I have a LOT of post-IETF 
work.  Just ask Paul Wouter, he ALSO has a fair bit of post IETF work...

The only Centos7 equiv that I have with a GUI is my ClearOS7 server with 
Xfce.  It is on an Intel Nano platform...


>> On 07/25/2017 10:11 AM, Erix wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> /I'm not sure what you exactly looking for.. CentOS image for ARM ?/
>>> you can try this:
>>> http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7.3.1611/isos/armhfp/CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-Minimal-1611-RaspberryPi3.img.xz
>>> Hope it helps you
>>> Bye for now
>>> Erix
>>> -----------------------------
>>>      Message: 2
>>>      Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 15:35:44 -0400
>>>      From: Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com
>>>      <mailto:rgm at htt-consult.com>>
>>>      To: Conversations around CentOS on ARM hardware
>>>      <arm-dev at centos.org <mailto:arm-dev at centos.org>>
>>>      Subject: Re: [Arm-dev] CentOS 7 with LXDE on Rasp Pi 3 Inquiry
>>>      Message-ID: <028ac8a8-97a1-e40b-8b1a-5390f265d0c3 at htt-consult.com
>>>      <mailto:028ac8a8-97a1-e40b-8b1a-5390f265d0c3 at htt-consult.com>>
>>>      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>>      On 07/20/2017 06:03 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>>>      > On 07/19/2017 10:30 AM, Markus McLaughlin wrote:
>>>      >> HELP!  I want to install CentOS 7 with LXDE on my Raspberry Pi
>>>      3...  How
>>>      >> do I go about doing so?
>>>      >>
>>>      > I don't think there is an LXDE for CentOS in any of the repos
>>>      (EPEL or
>>>      > base CentOS), even for x86_64.
>>>      >
>>>      > There MAY be enough xfce to get that working on CentOS 7.
>>>      Actually I have it running on a ClearOS7 system.  Took a it to get it
>>>      together.   I remembered wrong; we worked from Fedora to get the rpms.
>>>      There are a few things missing, and I really need to file a bug report
>>>      about them.  I was away when I first replied.  Back now.
>>>      > I am not sure how easy it is to get aarch64 on a PI3, but the base
>>>      > Fedora EPEL actually runs on there.  EPEL (and therefore xfce
>>>      support)
>>>      > would be much better and more updated from there than what we
>>>      are trying
>>>      > to do for arm32.
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