[CentOS-mirror] recommendations for mirror server hardware?

Tue Mar 27 23:35:56 UTC 2012
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>


On 03/27/2012 10:19 PM, Benjamin Hamilton wrote:
> (IMHO) In order of importance:
> #1 Disk I/O
> #2 Network I/O
> #3 Disk Space
> #4 RAM
> #5 CPU
> Disk I/O is a biggie with the more open source projects you add on to
> Ram is also not a huge deal if you configure your httpd to be memory
> efficient. You'll be serving up mostly static content so the usual

Disk i/o rate is a big deal, but even if you can systeam 40 - 60 MB/sec
( most single disk solutions these days would! ) you are ok, if you have
a bit of ram on your side.

The issue about ram in a mirror machine isnt so much about app bloat,
but about filesystem cache - yes, its true that a complete CentOS mirror
would be > 60 GB, but if you look at the numbers the actual data in
'popular' demand tends to be quite small - maybe 8 to 9 gigs, if you
have people doing OS installs against the machine, even lesser for days
when there is no update going out.

So if you have >= 100mbps or so b/w and have 16gb or so of ram, you will
find that a good mirror box wont be hitting the disk all that much, most
of what it serves will be out of ram.

Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
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