[CentOS-mirror] New Mirror at Dakota State University

Anssi Johansson

avij at centosproject.org
Sun Aug 5 06:11:57 UTC 2018

Holm, Eric kirjoitti 24.7.2018 klo 16.54:
> HTTP: http://repo.ialab.dsu.edu/centos/
> Sync schedule: Every 4 hrs
> Bandwidth: 2.5Gbps Internet 1/ 10Gbps Internet2
> Location: Madison, SD, US
> Sponsor: Dakota State University
> Sponsor URL: https://dsu.edu
> IPv4 address to authorize:
> IPv6 address to authorize: NA
> Email contact: dsu-repo.ialab at dsu.edu
> Mirroring AltArch  : no

Hi, sorry for the slightly delayed response. I was travelling when you 
sent this message, and the email got buried in my inbox.

In any case, the mirror has now been added and you can now rsync 
directly from rsync://msync.centos.org/CentOS/


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