[CentOS] How to configure CD-RW in CentOS for cd burning using cdrecord

Wed Jan 24 10:04:55 UTC 2007
balajisundar at midascomm.com <balajisundar at midascomm.com>

Dear all,

 I am using CentOS 4.4 Version Now.I want to Burn multi session CD using
commands "mkisofs" and "cdrecord" on command prompt.
I don't know how to configure the cdwriter(Samsung)?
I am able to find the device using "cdrecord -scanbus" but when I want to
get next track of already written cd using "cdrecord -dev=X.X.X -msinfo",
system displays error and I am unable to get the next track.
Previously, I was using Red Hat Linux 7.2, for that I have configured
lilo.conf and fstab file as adding "append hdX=ide-scsi" and "iso9660
X,X,X,X 0 0" respectively.
I have a scsi card which is already loaded and I can see the entry in
Same 7.2 configuration is not working and even I also don't want to
continue with that as CentOS supports cd-RW/DVD as default.

Can any body help me to figure out the problem and advise me to take
necessary steps do fulfill the requirement. I don't want to use K3B or
other as I have some data and I want to make this cd burning process
automatically in incremental manner into CD.

Looking for a fast reply.

Thanks in advance..
