[CentOS] looking for kernel sources

Tue Mar 4 11:38:55 UTC 2008
Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at SoftDux.com>

Tim Verhoeven wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at softdux.com> wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Please search a little on the wiki page before asking questions.
>>  > http://wiki.centos.org/
>>  >
>>  > There is a little Search box...
>>  >
>>  > http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/I_need_the_Kernel_Source?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=kernel+source&titlesearch=Titles
>>  > ->
>>  > http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/I_need_the_Kernel_Source?highlight=%28kernel%29%7C%28source%29
>>  >
>>  > Caveat: if you make your own kernel, you keep the pieces if you break your
>>  > system. Don't expect support here.
>>  >
>>  heh, that's funny, but hard to believe that I won't get support for a
>>  modified / hacked / changed / "broken" kernel. It's like saying " You
>>  can buy the car, but if you change the tires we won't service it" -
>>  Dude, that's the mentality of M$ and the likes, NOT Open Source
> Firstly, for VMware and probably Virtualbox (no experience there)
> there is no need to have the complete kernel sources, but that is
> explained more detailed below. The reasons that we don't support
> custom kernels is explained here
> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Custom_Kernel.
VirtualBox' error log said "can't find kernel source" - that's the 
wording they used, so I just used what it said :)
> And your comparison to cars is not completely correct. It is not
> buying a car and changing the tires. Replacing a kernel is like
> replacing the engine of a car. And I don't see the company that made
> that car still service it if it does not contain their engine.
> Also, this has nothing to do with a M$ mentality. With M$ you even
> can't replace the kernel with your own. With Linux you can and we even
> document it on the wiki for you. You have full access to the source
> and can to with it whatever you like. What we can't do is support
> changed systems like that because it then contains component we did
> not made and have no control over. Nothing more, nothing less.
True, but how is / was Linux and other OSS component developed? With 
debugging, and "breaking" things to a point where one could learn. 
Saying there's no support for such a kernel altogether isn't the OSS 
way. What you're saying makes much more sense, and I agree with you on 
that but then the Tru shouldn't have said there's no support for it at 
all. How does a development team move forward? With support and with 
collaboration from others.
>>  Besides, VMWare & Virtualbox needs it to install properly on the system,
>>  what do you tell them? We won't support you, so your  programs won't
>>  work on our system?
> With VMware (Server anyway) you just install kernel-devel and the
> vmware-config.pl script finds everything it needs to compile it's
> custom modules. Very simple, no fuss. If that process works for VMware
> then VirtualBox should be able to do the same thing. If they don't
> then talk to them and get them to update their tools.
> This method (installing kernel-devel which contains enough to compile
> external modules) is the standard way of dealing with this, it is also
> recommended by the kernel developers. If software does not support
> this method then they need a update to support this method. This is
> not about being difficult, just about doing things in a standard and
> consistant matter.
> So, to sum up. We don't mind you playing with the kernel, just realize
> what you are doing then. But we do like that people are polite and
> respect each other.
> Regards,
> Tim
Thanx for the advice :) I never said I'm going to hack the kernel, I 
merely asked where I could get it, since VirtualBox wanted it. It's now 
installed on my system, and I can continue with VirtualBox :)


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

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