[CentOS] I'm looking forward to the future of CentOS Stream

Fri Dec 11 11:59:16 UTC 2020
Konstantin Boyandin <lists at boyandin.info>

On 11.12.2020 17:41, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
> Il 11/12/20 10:24, Konstantin Boyandin via CentOS ha scritto:
>> My primary objection is breach of trust. RH shouldn't have lied at least
>> to CentOS community.
>> Other bug-to-bug compatible RHEL clones will replace the CentOS, so this
>> is the part I am less worried about. If someone is happy with CentOS
>> Stream, that's fine. I am not, but that's (not only) my problem.
> This.
> Centos Stream is NOT a REPLACEMENT of CentOS, it is a different 
> "product" used as a rhel preview (and testing platform for next rhel 
> releases [minor/major]). This is a simple direction change for a 
> corporation. I accept this without any problem, they have not any legal 
> duty with CentOS community. Ethically, wow...they should ask itself WTF 
> did they done. But no problem..many of us have imagined this since IBM 
> ops (also if this is a centos board decision), today it is reality. 
> Really there is nothing new for me (This is why I started to find 
> alternatives for my case usage since 8 was released waiting the switch 
> to see if direction was good)
> The days you install CentOS as server distro for stability and 
> compatibility are gone. I always used centos and not rhel because I 
> don't need support. I don't need CentOS Stream so  I will not use it. 
> CentOS 8, with its all defects, was enough for me and I think I will not 
> use rhel until forced. So for me (and many) there is not an alternative 
> then to change ship and switch to Debian/Ubuntu LTS that are not bad 
> systems. Intended, there are other alternatives like SUSE/OpenSUSE, OL 
> and other...

I started intensively using Debian, Ubuntu and Kali 3+ years ago. So 
far, they are solid enough (talking of LTS) and quite reliable, as 
CentOS 6 was.

> I read many times that Debian/Ubuntu LTS are not centos/rhel, this is 
> true (they are different products) but please, stop saying this, them 
> are not shitty distro..but when I read that many users use fedora as 
> server distro I laugh.
> I'm not in enterprise so I don't need this type of "support" and can 
> change the distro without any problem but I will stay away from 
> CentOS/RH products due to 0 trust in them.
> For the past years, for CentOS 6,7 and 8 thank you Johnny, Rich and all 
> other maintainers. You did a great job.

I agree, I think I leave this thread on a good line. The maintainers did 
great job (and I hope they will keep doing it). But "tempora mutantur, 
and nos mutamus in illis". Good luck to all of us.


Konstantin Boyandin
system administrator (ProWide Labs Ltd. - IPHost Network Monitor)