got myself an ODroid-HC1, but seems I forgot some things...
Power supply!
I have a right sized barrel to USB cable, but my Ankar is rated up to 3A
and is fused at any draw above that. I remember looking at power
supplies before, but can't find the link.
The ones I have won't fit. They are for connecting to pins, not a
connector like the HC1 has. What do I get? Plus what are the
pin-outs? I really need to get a schematic for this...
Case cover.
For some strange reason, I thought it would come with a cover. I see
now, that if you stack them you only need one cover, so it is most
likely a separate order. The unit came with a small bag with 2 screws,
but I cannot find any holes in the case for any screws! Strange.
So after I get at least the power supply and UART to USB for console, I
will be asking how to get this to boot completely from the HD like I do
with my Cubies!