Hi there,
I'm playing around with a BananaPi R1 (Lamobo R1). I want to setup a router with this board and try IPfire for this board or CentOS. The plain image CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-Minimal-1611-BananaPi.img.xz is working without Ethernet. There was a discussion in Februar 2016 on this list with a kernel 4.4.2-300.LR1.el7.armv7hl, but I can't find this rpm.
Is there any updates / more Information to get this board working?
thanks Andreas
On 11/01/17 13:19, arm_ml@rirasoft.de wrote:
Hi there,
I'm playing around with a BananaPi R1 (Lamobo R1). I want to setup a router with this board and try IPfire for this board or CentOS. The plain image CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-Minimal-1611-BananaPi.img.xz is working without Ethernet. There was a discussion in Februar 2016 on this list with a kernel 4.4.2-300.LR1.el7.armv7hl, but I can't find this rpm.
Is there any updates / more Information to get this board working?
thanks Andreas
That was a kernel that someone modified to include patches that aren't "upstream" (yet - at least when it was discussed). Normally the image you're using should have ethernet support for the first eth port, but not for the additional ethernet ports (aka the embedded switch) I don't have myself such bananapiR1 model to test against, but as it was a kind of a "grey area" about the patches/tools for the additional ports, it wasn't built/included at the centos side.
Wondering if the previous patches can still apply on our 4.4.x branch and if someone willing to rebuild it with those patches would be an option or not