-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Afzender: Pablo Sebastián Grecopablo@fliagreco.com.ar Verstuurd: Zaterdag 22 September 2018 0:05 Aan: Conversations around CentOS on ARM hardware arm-dev@centos.org; Mark Verlinde mark@havak.nl Onderwerp: Re: [Arm-dev] Testing epel packages
El 21/9/18 a las 14:28, Mark Verlinde escribió:
In reaction on the request for testing armhfp epel packages in the blog post of Pablo i'd like to know how/where feedback/results can be reported.
This ML should be ok, thanks for reporting!
We (nethserver-arm) use about 100 packages mirrored from epel-pass-1 repository for quite some time without issues. Most of them are the usual suspects and noarch, nevertheless nice to keep track of the packages known to be working.
At one point, we imported all the noarch from the official epel repo, but we've stopped doing that and now we're rebuilding everything.
BTW: We also make use of the PHP72 community effort to run nextcloud. Opt-in was no option therefore use the in /opt SCL solution.
any reason why the opt-in was not an option?
Thank you all for your work and persistence
Again, thanks for testing!
As a start the string used to select packages to be included in the partial armhfp epel mirror; (spaces are replaced by newlines) Need to dig in to report more detail though... As an example: we do not uses all collectd plugins.
In general this package (groups) are known to work:
0ad* 0install* altermime* amavisd-new* arj* arp-scan* bash-completion-extras* cabextract* certbot* clamav* clamd* collectd-ping* collectd-rrdtool* collectd* davfs2* duplicity* fail2ban-firewalld* fail2ban-sendmail* fail2ban-server* fail2ban-shorewall* fail2ban* firehol* freeze* getmail* gnustep* hiredis* htop* iftop* jemalloc* libargon2* libbsd* libc-client* libgsasl* libmcrypt* libopendkim* liboping* libprelude* librsync* libtidy* ncftp* nomarch* opendbx* opendkim* openvpn* p7zip-plugins* p7zip* perl-Authen-PAM* perl-BerkeleyDB* perl-Convert-BinHex* perl-Convert-TNEF* perl-Convert-UUlib* perl-Email-Valid* perl-Expect* perl-GDGraph* perl-GDGraph3d* perl-GDTextUtil* perl-IO-Multiplex* perl-MIME-tools* perl-Net-IPv4Addr* perl-Net-Server* perl-Proc-ProcessTable* perl-Razor-Agent* perl-Sys-Hostname-Long* perl-Sys-Hostname-Long* perl-Text-Template* perl-Unix-Syslog* php-imap* php-kolab-net-ldap3* php-mcrypt* php-pear-Auth-SASL* php-pear-Mail-Mime* php-pear-Net-IDNA2* php-pear-Net-LDAP2* php-pear-Net-Sieve* php-pear-Net-SMTP* php-pear-Net-Socket* php-pecl-apcu* php-pecl-igbinary* php-pecl-memcached* php-pecl-msgpack* php-pecl-redis* php-smbclient* pkcs11-helper* pulledpork* python-fasteners* python-GnuPGInterface* python-ndg_httpsclient* python-parsedatetime* python-requests-toolbelt* python-zope-component python-zope-event* python2-acme* python2-boto* python2-certbot* python2-configargparse* python2-dialog* python2-future* python2-gflags* python2-google-api-client python2-keyring* python2-josepy* python2-mock* python2-oauth2client* python2-parsedatetime* python2-psutil* python2-PyDrive* python2-pyrfc3339* python2-requests* python2-rsa* python2-simplejson* python2-six* python2-uritemplate* redis* roundcubemail* shorewall-core* shorewall* unzoo* xapian-bindings* xapian-core* zstd* zvbi-fonts*