Root Build Factory is awesome for creating images and we can certainly create new images when we get new kernels .. but we need a way to make that (kernel upgrades) happen in a automated way as well.
I know that some images use unique kernels, but we need a way to update the ones that use the distro kernel.
I would also like to figure out how to use the distro kernel on boards that currently do not.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Root Build Factory is awesome for creating images and we can certainly create new images when we get new kernels .. but we need a way to make that (kernel upgrades) happen in a automated way as well.
I know that some images use unique kernels, but we need a way to update the ones that use the distro kernel.
There is a yum and dnf plugin to handle kernel updates. It calls a bash script rbf(boardname).sh after install/upgrade of the package kernel-core. Refer [1] The script is called with 3 arguments: distro name, kernel version and root path. Refer [2] Presently there is only one kind of script. The one that appends an entry to /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf. As and when we find new boards which can use the distro kernel, we can add kernel upgrade scripts. Such kernel upgrade scripts will probably have to use U-Boot's mkimage utility.
[1] [2] [3]