I've freshly installed CentOS 5 32-bit on a pc, performed a yum update and yum
upgrade. I then did a yum install of mysql.
I finally picked up fresh copies of phpmysql and bugzilla and put both in my
/var/www/html directory. mysql is running. I am able to use mysql -u root to
get into it, and phpmysql is able to get it, too.
After runs of checksetup.pl to ensure all required pre-requisites were
installed, I ran it one more time, and get the following:
Creating database bugs...
The 'bugs' database could not be created. The error returned was:
Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'bugs'
This might have several reasons:
* MySQL is not running.
* MySQL is running, but there is a problem either in the
server configuration or the database access rights. Read the Bugzilla
Guide in the doc directory. The section about database configuration
should help.
* Your password for the 'bugs' user, specified in $db_pass, is
incorrect, in './localconfig'.
* There is a subtle problem with Perl, DBI, or MySQL. Make
sure all settings in './localconfig' are correct. If all else fails, set
'$db_check' to 0.
[root@localhost bugzilla]#
What do I need to do next? I tried creating an empty database called bugs for
the script to hook into, but no luck. I tried creating a user bugs with full
permission, but no luck.
Thanks for any leads.