Hi all,
I am trying to install oVirt 4.1.x from centos repos but it seems
ovirt-engine doesn't exists. But instead, ovirt-hosted-engine-setup
Is ovirt-engine package removed? In official oVirt repos, exists.
Does anyone have spice server for KVM Linux guests working with GSSAPI
authentication? I've been trying for a while and I simply can't get it
to work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if
I've misunderstood something.
I followed this guide:
Yes, the above is for VNC consoles. I just adapted that write up for
spice. When I try to connect to a console from either virt-manager or
with virt-viewer, I'm prompted to enter a password (though I shouldn't
be). When I type in my freeipa domain password, it gets rejected.
libvirtd with Kerberos and GSSAPI is working perfectly. I can use
virt-manager from my Fedora 26 desktop with the below URI:
virt-manager connects, I get a list of all the running KVMs and I can
work with them like I would if I was running virt-manager over ssh with
X forwarding. The only that doesn't work is viewing the consoles.
- my host is a fully updated CentOS 7 system
- libvirtd is set to listen for tcp connections
- I added the service spice/kvmhost01.theinside.rnr
- I created a keytab for the above and put it on kvmhost01 in
- the above file has owner:group set to qemu:root with perms 600
- I have the following in /etc/sasl2/qemu-kvm.conf
mech_list: gssapi
keytab: /etc/qemu-kvm/krb5.tab
- I have the following in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
spice_listen = ""
spice_tls = 0
spice_sasl = 1
spice_sasl_dir = "/etc/sasl2/"
- the first time I try to view a console, I get the
kerberos tickets I expect to:
Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:625400004:krb_ccache_7rtJmh8
Default principal: ranbir(a)THEINSIDE.RNR
Valid starting Expires Service principal
2017-12-29 18:37:45 2017-12-30 18:01:40 spice/kvmhost01.theinside.rnr(a)THEINSIDE.RNR
2017-12-29 18:37:40 2017-12-30 18:01:40 libvirt/kvmhost01.theinside.rnr(a)THEINSIDE.RNR
2017-12-29 18:01:40 2017-12-30 18:01:40 krbtgt/THEINSIDE.RNR(a)THEINSIDE.RNR
I'm surprised there isn't more info available about this online. That's
why I'm now here asking for assistance.
Does anyone have any suggestions/advice?
Thanks in advance!
Hi folks, I'm proposing to cancel the Virt SIG meeting on December 26th due
to Holidays.
If you're aware of anything important we have to discuss next week, please
do reply to
this mail. Thanks!
Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED. <https://redhat.com/trusted>
for those willing to use katello for monitoring oVirt hosts upgrade status,
we added katello-agent to CentOS Virt SIG testing repo.
If no negative feedback is provided, I'll tag it for release on December
In order to install it:
# yum install centos-release-ovirt41
# yum-config-manager --enable centos-ovirt41-testing --save
# yum install katello-agent
Note that oly the agent/client part has been included in Virt SIG, in order
to install foreman with katello plugin follow katello website instructions.
For more info about katello: https://www.theforeman.org/plugins/katello/
Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED. <https://redhat.com/trusted>
Xen 4.6.6-8 has been tagged in virt-testing. It contains XSAs
248-251, as well as an additional fix to XSA 240. Please test it if
you get a chance and report any bugs; I'll probably push it to mirrors
tomorrow if I don't hear anything.
Hi all,
Apparently some folks use CentOS for developing and/or testing software
on top of libvirt (e.g., oVirt), which may be a bit troublesome since
the version of libvirt released with CentOS is usually quite old
compared to upstream. Using the downstream releases of libvirt for
developing new features can introduce several months of delay, which may
not be acceptable.
So to make the development easier for folks who want to stick with
CentOS I started to built upstream libvirt releases for Virt-SIG. The
builds are not just a result of "make rpm", they are proper rebased
versions of the released CentOS builds. In other words, all required
downstream changes are ported to the new libvirt release. Regular CentOS
builds essentially use one of these rebased builds as a base.
You can expect both libvirt and libvirt-python CentOS builds within a
few days after they are released upstream, unless I'm on vacation or CBS
is not cooperating.
The official repository for these build is
If you want packages for other architectures (there's no virt directory
in http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/) you can use
or specifically
Happy hacking.