The CentOS Virtualization SIG on behalf of the oVirt Project Community is
pleased to announce the general availability of the oVirt 4.5.0 build
for CentOS
Stream, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives.
The release is already available on the CentOS mirror network.
Read more on the announcement blog post at
Many thanks to the other CentOS Special Interest Groups involved in this
Questions about the release? Please join the discussion on
Sandro Bonazzola
Red Hat EMEA <>
*Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
answer this email out of your office hours.*
We have launched some EC2 servers 6 month ago using the CentOS 8
MarketPlace AMI 47k9ia2igxpcce2bzo8u3kj03 (
Now we have migrated these servers to CentOS Stream 8.
We can change the instance type of these servers until m6i and c6i Intel
based CPU, but we cannot change the instance type to new ADM Epyc c6a and
m6a. There is an error triggered by the AWS console and saying to this
marketplace server is not compatible with c6a and m6a instance types...
Is there a reason for this situation (because this AMI is X86_64
compatible, so AMD Epyc should work with it) ?
Do you know which team is managing this marketplace AMI and which team
could authorize using the new AMD Epyc EC2 instances with this AMI ?
I know that I could relaunch news servers using another AMI, but I don't
want to waste my time in reconfiguring all these servers from a brand new
AMI... I would prefer to just change the instance type of the existing
I contacted the AWS support to get somes explanations and a solution for
this situation, but they asked me to contact the CentOS community support,
it's why I'm sending this e-mail to this list.
Thank you !
Best regards.
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