As a part of the test suite for xen that I've started off - I needed a way to inject a ssh key into the image [1]; so have come up with this : https://github.com/CentOS/sig-virt-t_xen/blob/master/scripts/inject_ssh.sh ; its not pretty and it wont handle lots of use cases, but it does what is needed at hand.
Comments ?
I'm also considering if we should include this script within the .bz2 file for the image itself ( and for all such images )
Further feature creep, should we now extend this script a bit to also include a 'download and inject ssh key' with some param's like : ./get_image.sh 6.5 x86_64 <path to sshkey> and that can hit http://cloud.centos.org/<calculated path to image>/ ; download it, and add the key. This script could live within centos-release-xen dramatically reducing the barrier to entry and get-go with the xen4centos stack.
thoughts ?
- KB
1: qcow2, http://cloud.centos.org/centos/6/devel/CentOS-6-x86_64-xen-pv.bz2