On 07/22/2014 03:08 PM, Bill McGonigle wrote:
On 07/21/2014 03:45 PM, Volnei wrote:
Anybody could me tell when CentoOS7 will have Xen support?
I hit some gotchas installing C7 as a DomU - graphics don't work like they do in CentOS 4/5/6.
I wrote up my experiences:
It's currently working really well as a DomU (Fedora 20 Xen 4.4 is the Dom0) - much faster than C6 on the same hardware.
We will, at some point, have a CentOS-7 Dom0 kernel and support as part of the Virtualization SIG.
I am getting ready to build some testing 4.4.1-rc RPMs for CentOS-6 in the next few days. Once we stabilize those, building the same for CentOS-7 will be a next step.