On 10/26/2011 04:48 PM, Bob Hoffman wrote:
eric wrote
That's not my understanding. I watched someone else follow the procedure here: http://www.howtoforge.com/virtualization-with-kvm-on-a-centos-6.0-server and I believe he started with the minimal installation on the host.
and then you find he also had installed the desktop on the next page and using virt-manager to view it. I would rather not have the desktop and x installed.
That can be on any *other* computer, like a laptop. You don't need (or want) to run virt-manager on the host itself. You can manage your VMs from any workstation/client that's attached to the network.
I dunno...been weeks on this with no other option than to install the desktop. Might just have to give up and do the desktop with no other options available.
centos6 too new, kvm too new, not much info out there. sigh.