On 01/28/2016 07:54 AM, Peter Weissbrod wrote:
I am in need of some AWS instances of this version.
There are “community” instances of 7.1 but I would strongly prefer an official release from CentOS team over trusting my base image to an unknown publisher.
Is there any plan/projection of when CentOS will publish 7.1 to the AWS marketplace?
CentOS 7 is the release. There are point in time 'install collections', like 7 (1406) (based on RHEL 7.0) .. 7 (1503) (based on RHEL 7.1), 7 (1511) (based on RHEL 7.2).
But these point releases, based on a point in time, are just a picture of CentOS 7 at that exact point in time. The only way we recommend CentOS is all latest updates installed. And no matter what version you install, a yum update takes you to that version. That is why we have only one image listed.
A base 7.1 install would have several Critical security issues, and updating to fix those issues brings you to 7.2.