On first reading I thought eth1 would have been your second interface within the guest, besides eth0. Meanwhile I think you just skipped eth0.
There is a eth0 interface, but it is connected to the internal NAT network of libvirt. That way I have a LAN between my guests and eth1 is used for external access.
That is because you can have just 1 default route. The OVH document does not describe a setup for a 2nd interface.
Yes I did have issue with that because the DHCP on eth0 was setting a gateway. I solved it by forcing:
in eth0 as well.
Here is the ifcfg-eth0:
# Virtio Network Device DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp HWADDR=33:33:33:33:33:33 ONBOOT=yes GATEWAY=IP.OF.HOST.GATEWAY
Especially when dealing with more than 1 interface, do NOT set the GATEWAY in ifcfg-ethX. By principle always set GATEWAY (in your case GATEWAY=x.y.z.254) in /etc/sysconfig/network. Thus you do not need the
ok, good to know, I will fiddle with that.
If you would have more than 1 interface (the OVH doc does not indicate to be written for such a case, neither notes explicitly to give problems in that case), then following the OVH doc gives you trouble.
It actually works fine when I had many virtualized interfaces (eth2, eth3, etc.). And I actually don't need to add other route-eth2, route-eth3, etc. (because route-eth0 set the default gateway, isn't it?)
An aliases interface does not have an own MAC, it is physically the same MAC as the primary interface.
maybe that is were I am doing something wrong, because I configured this virtual MAC within OVH.
You created a route-eth1:1 file?
yes, I tried that but it did not help. and as put above it was not necessary for the other virtual interfaces.
Yes, as said, the security design of the hoster must permit the use of defined IPs bound with a dedicated MAC. Ask you hoster.
I will ask them, they are pretty helpful in general.
You can add additional IPs to virtualized interfaces - either by
good to know that is feasible
Thanks for your help!