On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Sven Kieske s.kieske@mittwald.de wrote:
On 17/02/15 09:18, C. L. Martinez wrote:
Hi all,
How can I stop/disable a nic in a virtual guest using a virsh command?? I am searching the same effect like if I unplug network cable ... Is it possible?? I have tried with "detach-interface" command without luck. I don't want to remove the nic from guest configuration, only to stop the nic ...
Depending on your network architecture you could just ifdown the vmnet, but this just works if you don't have multiple vms on one vmnet (which you shouldn't).
Ok, to do a ifdown of virtual bridge it seems the only option.
Many thanks to all for your answers.