2011/2/13 MargoAndTodd margoandtodd@gmail.com:
On 02/12/2011 05:30 PM, Kenni Lund wrote:
2011/2/13 MargoAndToddmargoandtodd@gmail.com:
Eventually, I am going to remove Virtual Box from my and all my customer's machines in favor of KVM. So the Harmony may be short lived if KVM does not also support USB as well as Virtual Box 4.0.x.
KVM only supports emulated USB 1.1 at the moment, all USB devices requiring USB 2.0 doesn't work (which includes all iPhones and newer iPods AFAIK). qemu-kvm 0.14 which will be out soon, has received some USB 2.0 patches, but still no initial 2.0 support. Don't expect emulated USB 2.0 support in KVM in CentOS anytime soon.
If you have a host with VT-d support, you can try to passthrough one of the USB controllers on your motherboard to a guest - or to add a PCI/PCIe USB card to the host and dedicate it to a guest. I haven't had any luck with ~4-5 different USB controllers/cards, so don't put your expectations too high.
Best regards Kenni
Thank you for the heads up!
Btw, I haven't tested PCI passthrough of USB controllers with VT-d on SL6/CentOS6. Given that the upstream documentation actually uses an onboard Intel USB controller as an example, it seems like there's a good chance that it will actually work in CentOS 6 if you've got the right hardware: http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Virtualiza...
Best regards Kenni