I had a CentOS 5.5 Xen "standard virtualization" install lockup on reboot after an battery backup (apcusbd) orderly shutdown induced by a power outage. It may have been sitting with two kernel updates without a reboot.
I have to head to the site (with a fractured ankle), but reports indicate that it is at
- (none) login:
which only returns back to itself after a user login at console, including root.
- the local user says, though the monitor speed was "too fast" that it is failing to find its mounts OR that the disk reported errors.
It is on a dmraid (I know, please don't flame me).
There is some critical information on the drives that did NOT backup.
I need a list of tools and ideas to have a checklist to try and resurrect this machine.
Of course I will go with - Live CD - CentOS 5.5 install. - Hard drives.
I would appreciate any procedural methods to go about this and try to resurrect this machine.