Here are the AMI's that we would like to push
CentOS-6 (updated to 2013-05-27 ) x86_64: ami-8d83e8e4 x86_64-EBS: ami-8f9af1e6 i386: ami-6782e90e i386-EBS: ami-7599f21c
CentOS-6.4 ( GA / Release Media ) x86_64: ami-4182e928 x86_64-EBS: ami-d79bf0be i386: ami-2b82e942 i386-EBS: ami-2f9af146
CentOS-6.3 ( GA / Release Media ) x86_64: ami-0982e960 x86_64-EBS: ami-bb9af1d2 i386: ami-ed82e984 i386-EBS: ami-f99af190
Still working on testing these : if anyone wants to pitch in - email me offlist at kbsingh _at_ centos.org and let me have your amazon account id, I will share these ami's with you directly.