On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 2:19 AM, nux@li.nux.ro wrote:
Paul Piscuc writes:
« HTML content follows » Hi,
We are thinking of using CentOS with XEN in production, but we are facing some issues regarding the 3.0.3 version of the xen hypervisor and windows paravirtualization. The drivers we are using are from here (URL:http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenWindowsGplPv
ce.com/xenwiki/XenWindowsGplPv). The solution we found is upgrading to
3.4.2, using a strange repository (URL:http://gitco.degitco.de), and everything seems to work. Now the question is: would you recomand using the 3.0.3 kernel provided by CentOS in production and searching for other paravirtualization drivers, or go with 3.4.2? Is this version of the hypervisor stable?
Why get complicated and not use KVM? Xen's future @ RedHat is not that bright.
My 2 pence.
-- Nux! www.nux.ro
Yes, installing Xen 3.4.2 is very complicated. It's amazing how anyone can pull it off! :-)
wget http://www.gitco.de/linux/x86_64/centos/5/CentOS-GITCO.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/gitco.repo yum groupinstall Virtualization
Or you could just put in an XCP install disk and take a nap. You'd have the very stable RHEL 5.5 base for Dom0, Xen 3.4.2 and a kernel roughly equivalent to what you get in RHEL6. For the record RHEL6 guests run on Xen as will any future Linux Distros.
Grant McWilliams