On 12/03/2013 05:32 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Karanbir Singh mail-lists@karan.org wrote:
On 12/02/2013 06:32 AM, Kenneth Porter wrote:
The subject says it all. I got CentOS 6.4 installed and then converted it to boot into the Xen kernel, using the C6.4 system as its dom0. But now I'm uncertain how to put a C6.4 domU on the result. Which tools are recommended?
why not just use virt-install from the cli ?
- KB
Morning, Karanbir, long time since I've commented on a thread with you.
Because virt-install involves having some fairly serious knowledge of the options available. For a noob, or someone who doesn't write their own resource analysis and wrapper scripts easily, It's fairly fragile to use. It also doesn't automatically report replicatoin of IP addresses for setup configurations, nor is it capable of tracking resource allocations and overlaps among multiple KVM servers that are not in a cluster.
virt-manager is very helpful to noobs setting up their first resources, but I frankly admit that for small virtualization environments. But it's quite burdened by trying to support too many virtualization technologies, and by its own confusion of who owns the configuration files and where they should reside. But I also admit that for small, lightweight virtualization setups, I find KVM itself quite awkeward and simply use VirtualBox. The KVM bridging requirements, in particular, are impossible to set up without hand-editing the network configuration files or reading, and writing, guidelines such as my old ones for pair bonding and bridging and KVM and VLANs at https://wikis.uit.tufts.edu/confluence/display/TUSKpub/Configure+Pair+Bondin....
Heaven help me, but I agree with you :)
Libvirt and virt-manager is much easier to use than the command line tools ... although it also limits what you can accomplish as it only does a fraction of the possible configurations.
Libvirt on xen4centos: