I've come up with the following kickstart config (see below) for deploying a minimal CentOS 6 VM. It takes about 460MB. I'm assuming that all of the -firmware RPMs aren't needed for a VM installation, so I removed them. Also removed as many selinux packages as possible since I don't need that.
I was wondering whether anyone could offer any further suggestions on minimizing the disk usage of the VM image.
Also, I wanted to ask whether it might make sense to post this type of configuration to the CentOS wiki, possibly linked from the following page:
This might make it easy for people who are building VMs for reference.
lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us timezone America/New_York auth --useshadow --passalgo=md5 selinux --disabled firewall --disabled zerombr bootloader --location=mbr network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on services --enabled=network rootpw admin123
clearpart --all --initlabel part / --asprimary --fstype="ext3" --grow --maxsize=1000 --size=1
# Repositories url --url="http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/6.0/os/x86_64/"
%packages --excludedocs --nobase --instLangs=en @Core
%post rpm -e $(rpm -qa |grep -i firmware) yum -y remove audit authconfig checkpolicy libsemanage libselinux-utils policycoreutils selinux-policy selinux-policy-targeted rm -rf /etc/selinux/targeted rpm -e --nodeps redhat-logos