On 07/21/2011 02:36 AM, JDF. Franklin wrote:
For what it's worth here are a few more tools that I include due to fairly minimal impact, but are assumed by many 3rd party scripts for example:
rsync unzip wget
And personally I like these for local setup though they add a big more space: ntp elinks lsof nmap denyhosts yum-utils autofs nfs-utils nss_db nss-pam-ldapd nss-tools openldap-clients pam_ldap
Thank you for your suggestions. I want to keep the minimal image really minimal so I am not going to add to it anything but hardware drivers. On the other hand, I will keep your list handy and adjust accordingly (if space allows ) the content of the Light Weight Server CD ( which is still under work)
For what is worth, my minimal kickstart is now available as ks-minimalC6 at https://nazar.karan.org/cgit/bluecain/tree/