On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 5:40 PM, rgritzo <rgritzo at gmail.com https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-virt> wrote:
so i guess i was not paying too close attention and upgraded to xen 4.6.1 before i migrated my domU configurations to libxl :{
Just FYI, as a fall-back you can always move yourself to the Xen 4.4 "track" by:
- Installing centos-release-xen-44
- Removing centos-release-xen
- "yum downgrade" all the Xen packages.
This will switch you to repos which will only have Xen 4.4; and Johnny will be doing XSA backports until the 4.4 EOL in 2017. You can upgrade to 4.6 again by either re-installing centos-release-xen (which will update to the latest automatically) or installing centos-release-xen-46 (which will stay on Xen 4.6). (You can install multiple packages at the same time; yum will just choose the highest version available.)
ahh. thanks. i tried downgrading, but did not install centos-release-xen44 so the downgrade failed. this makes sense now that i see that i would need to jump tracks. thanks for suggesting it.
i have tried for a couple of hours this morning to find a way to do the conversion in a post xend world, but can’t seem to do it. I still have all my disk images, and i see the domain config.sxp configuration files in /var/lib/xend/domains/<uuid> but i am not enough of a xen expert to figure out how to migrate those.
is there a simple way to move to libxl now that xend is gone and i did not dump the xml files?
So just checking -- the issue here is that you're not using the ".cfg"-style config files, but the sxp-style config files? You're not using libvirt, is that right?
at the time i set all this up i don’t think i understood what i was doing very well. i certainly am using libvirt (i use virsh and virt-manager), so i am not sure what fork in the road i took to wind up making sxp-style config files. :}
Unfortunately parsing sxp config files and running "managed domains" are one feature that was explicitly chose as something we wouldn't be supporting in xl going forward [1]. You'll probably have to do some sort of manual conversion.
[1] http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/XL#Anti-Features http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/XL#Anti-Features
got it. i think i read thru that page too quickly before.
since the images are there, and all i need to do is to effectively reconfigure the domUs, i think i will do that manually. that will accomplish two things: a) force me to document how i set them up better, and b) drive me to understand some aspects of this better… :}
fortunately i had hosed up my dev host and dev VMs, and was smart enough to catch this mistake before i broke the production ones :}
thanks again for all the help.