On 07/30/2015 05:29 AM, Elliot Fox wrote:
The TL;DR is: Everything I've found to kickstart a new vanilla rhel/centos guest points to specifying a kernel & and initrd- for RHEL/Centos 5. But where is the xen initrd for Centos 6? The Xen4Quickstart instructions are awesome, but after install you are left with a kernel and an initramfs & no initrd for a centos 6 guest in xen.
So is there a better way to kickstart a fresh/vanilla VM post Xen4Quickstart instructions? Shall I build an initrd from the initramfs (and how) or is there another way?
If you want do a kickstart install using the PXE initrd.img, use the matching PXE vmlinuz. Generally speaking, don't mix and match kernel and initramfs versions and assume it will work even if they're from the same major release.
Where to find the kickstart file needs to be specified in the normal way https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/htm...