Just a reminder to everyone that we're having our bi-weekly Virt Sig meeting today at 2pm., and it's a dial-in this week. Please e-mail me if you need the dial-in information
Here are the minutes for the meeting. Let me know if anything isn't clear:
--- Minutes--- * Attending - George Dunlap - Pasi Karkkainen - Brian Proffitt (oVirt) - Lokesh Mandvekar (Docker) - KB Singh
* Docker - Just need some repos from EPEL - golang dependencies - docker registry -> python packages - Docker 0.11 is in C7, so not very many extra dependencies - Lokesh maintainer of packages - Coordinating with Atomic? Yes. - Targeting both 6 and 7? Yes. - KB: What we want is a good Docker build for virt sig that other projects can depend on - Lokesh: Docker already in srpms, easy to import
* Build system - George has access; should be able to put more time to it next week - xen needs to be brought into git.c.o - G, KB to set up a session to take a look at stuff - G's 4.4.1 update based on existing x4c repo, can just pull those in - PPA-like functionality? - Coordinating with EPEL - coppers (?) - PPA problems: ad-hoc repos becoming stale, &c - Something to take a look at at some point
* "CentOS Upstreams" - target audience: developers developing against code - Separate from SIGs
* Kernel for C7? - Don Koch f/ Verizon got RHEL7 kernel to boot on dom0 with a few tweaks - Pasi: Lots of people ask for same kernel as upstream; drivers an advantage - Supportability - "stable" kernel we can ask for help debugging stuff f/ Xen / Linux communities - R7 kernel may have things that inadvertently break dom0 in the backports; Virt SIG would have to track down and fix - We don't know how much work it might be to get R7 working as dom0 properly - 3.14 in "stable" already; if not use R7 kernel, use 3.14. - Can easily take 3.14 back to C6 as well (Is this OK?)
- Someone has alraeady ported 4.4.1 to C7 -- may be useful as a "head start"
* Meeting at LinuxCon in Dusseldorf? - KVM forum as well - Lots of oVirt guys will be there - KB: Probably wed, thur, fri (14, 15, 16) - (Coincides w/ KVM Forum)
On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 11:36 AM, George Dunlap dunlapg@umich.edu wrote:
Just a reminder to everyone that we're having our bi-weekly Virt Sig meeting today at 2pm., and it's a dial-in this week. Please e-mail me if you need the dial-in information
On Tue, Sep 09, 2014 at 03:43:54PM +0100, George Dunlap wrote:
- Someone has alraeady ported 4.4.1 to C7 -- may be useful as a "head start"
That was Pry Mar, added to CC. His .spec files and src.rpms for Xen 4.4 on Centos7 are here: http://www.tlviewer.org/xen/cent7/dom0/
Pry: Can you briefly tell about the status of your el7 xen rpms? Are they working good for you? They're originally based on Fedora Xen .spec files, right?
-- Pasi