is there a way to virtualize rocks5.2 on rocks5.4? I have been trying to and the gecko based install menu keeps failing. The error is a http 404 when looking for the release notes to display. any Idea of what causes that? I had that happen last time I tried to install rocks 5.2 on bare metal. The only notable thing about my network is that its on a subnet mask. I can reserve its ip and everything.
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:58 AM, Jon Forrest jlforrest@berkeley.eduwrote:
On 7/12/2010 9:02 PM, Poh Yang Ming wrote:
I am trying to virtualize Rockcluster 5.3 for various testing with limited hardware. I have manage to get the headnode up in qemu (fedora13, x86_64). However, I am experiencing some issue to connect the headnode to the compute node.
Has anyone done virtualization of rockcluster with qemu or has a better virtualization tools that is known to work?
One possibility is to use VirtualBox. Take a look at the method I posted about a couple of days ago to see how I did it.
Jon Forrest Research Computing Support College of Chemistry 173 Tan Hall University of California Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-1460 510-643-1032