- [CentOS-devel] Plan to cancel Paas SIG meeting this week (Dec. 14) Mohammed Ahmed
- [CentOS-devel] Get rest of DogTag PKI matching RPMs for 10.3.3-14 Anthony Alba
- [CentOS-devel] LiveGNOME will not boot without uas.ko on newer Seagate SLIM Anthony Alba
- [CentOS-devel] Cloud SIG: lessons learn in transition to 7.3 Alfredo Moralejo Alonso
- [CentOS-devel] Debuginfo for 7.3 release?? Andrus, Brian Contractor
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Vagrant boxes (7.2.1511) Fabian Arrotin
- [CentOS-devel] Centos on P8 824L OPAL Charlie Berry
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Release 7.3.1611 and qemu-ev-2.6.0 Sandro Bonazzola
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Release 7.3.1611 and qemu-ev-2.6.0 Sandro Bonazzola
- [CentOS-devel] Productivity Tooling SIG creation request Fabien Boucher
- [CentOS-devel] Atomic SIG: discussion about kubernetes-node in downstream image Jason Brooks
- [CentOS-devel] Atomic SIG: discussion about kubernetes-node in downstream image Jason Brooks
- [CentOS-devel] Atomic SIG: discussion about kubernetes-node in downstream image Jason Brooks
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS PaaS SIG meeting (2016-12-07) Bill Buros
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS PaaS SIG meeting (2016-12-07) Bill Buros
- [CentOS-devel] [Ceph] urgently seeking co-maintainers François Cami
- [CentOS-devel] Centos on P8 824L OPAL François Cami
- [CentOS-devel] [Ceph] urgently seeking co-maintainers François Cami
- [CentOS-devel] [scl.org] [SCLo SIG] new sclo-php* packages available for testing Remi Collet
- [CentOS-devel] [scl.org] [SCLo SIG] new sclo-php*-pecl-igbinary packages available for testing Remi Collet
- [CentOS-devel] [OpsTools] rubygem-fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter Yedidyah Bar David
- [CentOS-devel] [OpsTools] rubygem-fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter Yedidyah Bar David
- [CentOS-devel] Adding centos-extras to a cbs build target Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] Adding centos-extras to a cbs build target Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] aarch64 build of OpenShift Origin Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS PaaS SIG meeting (2016-12-07) Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS PaaS SIG meeting (2016-12-07) Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS PaaS SIG meeting (2016-12-07) Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] Plan to cancel Paas SIG meeting this week (Dec. 14) Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS PaaS SIG meeting (2016-12-21) Troy Dawson
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Marcin Dulak
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Marcin Dulak
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Marcin Dulak
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Vagrant boxes (7.2.1511) Marcin Dulak
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Marcin Dulak
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Marcin Dulak
- [CentOS-devel] End-Of-Life 7.3. Danillo F.
- [CentOS-devel] [Ceph] urgently seeking co-maintainers Giulio Fidente
- [CentOS-devel] End-Of-Life 7.3. Christoph Galuschka
- [CentOS-devel] End-Of-Life 7.3. Christoph Galuschka
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Trevor Hemsley
- [CentOS-devel] missing rpms in extras Johnny Hughes
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Johnny Hughes
- [CentOS-devel] Debuginfo for 7.3 release?? Johnny Hughes
- [CentOS-devel] Proposed additions to CentOS 7.3 release notes Johnny Hughes
- [CentOS-devel] centos-logos legal problem Kouta Ikematsu
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Vagrant boxes (7.2.1511) Nico Kadel-Garcia
- [CentOS-devel] git.centos.org Nico Kadel-Garcia
- [CentOS-devel] Vagrant + network "private_network", type: "dhcp" => Error: Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code Stéphane Klein
- [CentOS-devel] Update on status of CentOS Community Container Pipeline Bamacharan Kundu
- [CentOS-devel] Plan to cancel Paas SIG meeting this week (Dec. 14) Ari LiVigni
- [CentOS-devel] Proposed additions to CentOS 7.3 release Liang
- [CentOS-devel] missing rpms in extras Jacco Ligthart
- [CentOS-devel] missing rpms in extras Jacco Ligthart
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Release 7.3.1611 and qemu-ev-2.6.0 Víctor Córcoles López
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Release 7.3.1611 and qemu-ev-2.6.0 Víctor Córcoles López
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Release 7.3.1611 and qemu-ev-2.6.0 Víctor Córcoles López
- [CentOS-devel] Proposed additions to CentOS 7.3 release James O'Connor
- [CentOS-devel] [Ceph] urgently seeking co-maintainers Thomas Oulevey
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Lamar Owen
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Lamar Owen
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] Vagrant + network "private_network", type: "dhcp" => Error: Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Vagrant boxes (7.2.1511) Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Vagrant boxes (7.2.1511) Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Vagrant boxes (7.2.1511) Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] git.centos.org Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Laurentiu Pancescu
- [CentOS-devel] Duffy Source Code Julien Pivotto
- [CentOS-devel] Atomic SIG: discussion about kubernetes-node in downstream image Julien Pivotto
- [CentOS-devel] git.centos.org Julien Pivotto
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Laurențiu Păncescu
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Laurențiu Păncescu
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Vagrant boxes (7.2.1511) Carlos Rodrigues
- [CentOS-devel] Fwd: Vagrant boxes (7.2.1511) Carlos Rodrigues
- [CentOS-devel] [OpsTools] rubygem-fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter Matthias Runge
- [CentOS-devel] [OpsTools] rubygem-fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter Matthias Runge
- [CentOS-devel] [opstools] skipping meetings on Dec 21 and Dec 28 Matthias Runge
- [CentOS-devel] Proposed additions to CentOS 7.3 release Vit Ry
- [CentOS-devel] git.centos.org Vit Ry
- [CentOS-devel] Plan to cancel Paas SIG meeting this week (Dec. 14) Clint Savage
- [CentOS-devel] Duffy Source Code David Moreau Simard
- [CentOS-devel] [Ceph] urgently seeking co-maintainers David Moreau Simard
- [CentOS-devel] Duffy Source Code Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] centos/7 vagrant box: Could not find a controller named 'IDE Controller' Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] Core SIG documentation - The community project Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] git.centos.org Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] Core SIG documentation - The community project Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] Centos on P8 824L OPAL Karanbir Singh
- [CentOS-devel] Adding centos-extras to a cbs build target Brian Stinson
- [CentOS-devel] centos-logos legal problem Karsten Wade
- [CentOS-devel] Atomic SIG: discussion about kubernetes-node in downstream image Colin Walters
- [CentOS-devel] keeping Extras in sync with Core Colin Walters
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS workflow - git.centos.org - Notifications Colin Walters
- [CentOS-devel] Proposed additions to CentOS 7.3 release notes Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS workflow - git.centos.org - Notifications Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] Core SIG documentation - The community project Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] git.centos.org Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] Core SIG documentation - The community project Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] Security and other updates - too slow Phil Wyett
- [CentOS-devel] Centos on P8 824L OPAL Jacob Yundt
- [CentOS-devel] git.centos.org aleksander.baranowski
- [CentOS-devel] Proposed additions to CentOS 7.3 release sunbing
- [CentOS-devel] Proposed additions to CentOS 7.3 release zyy
- [CentOS-devel] CentOS-devel Digest, Vol 141, Issue 21 陶松桥