I am interested in some packages from the 5.1 Beta.
yum groupinfo "Clustering" :)
If anyone could provide me with the packages or src.rpms please
mail me. Thx. I would love to use the RHN for the src.iso but i have
only a subscription for the Desktop.
Stefan Held VI has only 2 Modes:
obi unixkiste org The first one is for beeping all the time,
FreeNode: foo_bar the second destroys the text.
perl -e'map{print pack c,($|++?1:13)+ord,select$,,$,,$,,$|}split//,ESEL.$/'
GPG-Keyprint = 75C0 F029 CA71 F061 6C07 0640 38F7 E5F9 4EA5 A385