Alpha2: registry.centos.org/kbsingh/centos-atomic:7-alpha2
The CentOS Atomic Container is a minimal ( 30MB on disk ) image that can
be used to host static content, and small footprint content that does
not need the entire CentOS Linux Base image. This is also not meant to
replace CentOS Linux Base image as the default, we want to make it
available as an additional container base for apps that find it useful.
The main highlight is that it does not contain yum, but has microdnf.
I am looking for feedback, and some wider testing as well as
recommendations on howto further reduce size, before we move to
release. You can consume this as :
docker run -t -i \
registry.centos.org/kbsingh/centos-atomic:7-alpha2 \
Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc
Hi all,
We are happy to announce that LinchPin v1.0.4 has been released. This is a
bugfix release, which has the following updates:
* Fixed invalid syntax in bkr_server.py introduced by flake8 cleanup
* Users can add their own custom inventory variables to the hosts
* Updated schema to support tags in gcloud_gce provisioning
* CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md file now in root of repository
* Libvirt copy_img_src updated stat to use mimetype
* Added optional note about mkvirtualenv in installation document
* Restructured the imports, added ansible runner for ansible 2.4
* Added a Testing section to the CONTRIBUTING document
* Create a localhost file in workspace to accommodate ansible 2.4 warnings
The official release notes are available at
This update is available via PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/linchpin
If you discover any errors or regressions, please open a Github issue (
Cheers and enjoy!
Clint Savage
LinchPin Maintainer
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
twitter: @herlo, github: herlo, IRC: herlo, #linchpin
Hi Clint,
Recently I was looking into automatically building some ceph packages in
CBS, and I was curious how you're doing automatic CBS builds with the paas user.
I'm guessing you've generated the paas CentOS FAS x509 cert with
centos-cert, and then you upload that .centos.cert file into some
Jenkins instance? Is that ci.centos.org or something else?
I see mention of the account creation @
https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=11465, but there's no mention of
how long-lived this FAS x509 cert is. Does it expire every six months
like all the others?
- Ken
can we please have qemu-kvm-ev pushed to mirrors ASAP?
We tagged it for release while 7.4 was being pushed to mirrors to be picked
up at first sync but looks like it's still hanging somewhere.
It's becoming a serious with people starting upgrading to CentOS 7.4.
Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED. <https://redhat.com/trusted>
The CentOS Atomic SIG has released an updated version
(https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Atomic/Download) of
CentOS Atomic Host (7.1708), a lean operating system designed to run
Docker containers, built from standard CentOS 7 RPMs, and tracking the
component versions included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host.
This release, which is based on the RHEL 7.4 source code
includes an updated kernel that supports overlayfs container storage,
among other enhancements.
CentOS Atomic Host includes these core component versions:
* atomic-1.18.1-3.1.git0705b1b.el7.x86_64
* cloud-init-0.7.9-9.el7.centos.2.x86_64
* docker-1.12.6-48.git0fdc778.el7.centos.x86_64
* etcd-3.1.9-2.el7.x86_64
* flannel-0.7.1-2.el7.x86_64
* kernel-3.10.0-693.2.2.el7.x86_64
* kubernetes-node-1.5.2-0.7.git269f928.el7.x86_64
* ostree-2017.7-1.el7.x86_64
* rpm-ostree-client-2017.6-6.atomic.el7.x86_64
## OverlayFS Storage
In previous releases of CentOS Atomic Host, SELinux had to be in
permissive or disabled mode for OverlayFS storage to work. Now you can
run the OverlayFS file system with SELinux in enforcing mode. CentOS
Atomic Host still defaults to devicemapper storage, but you can switch
to OverlayFS using the following commands:
$ systemctl stop docker
$ atomic storage reset
# Reallocate space to the root VG - tweak how much to your liking
$ lvm lvextend -r -l +50%FREE atomicos/root
$ atomic storage modify --driver overlay2
$ systemctl start docker
For more information on storage management options, see the upstream
RHEL documentation
## Containerized Master
CentOS Atomic Host ships without the kubernetes-master package built
into the image. For information on how to run these kubernetes
components as system containers, consult the CentOS wiki
If you prefer to run Kubernetes from installed rpms, you can layer the
master components onto your Atomic Host image using rpm-ostree package
layering with the command: atomic host install kubernetes-master -r.
## Download CentOS Atomic Host
CentOS Atomic Host is available as a VirtualBox or libvirt-formatted
Vagrant box, or as an installable ISO, qcow2 or Amazon Machine image.
For links to media, see the CentOS wiki
## Upgrading
If you're running a previous version of CentOS Atomic Host, you can
upgrade to the current image by running the following command:
$ sudo atomic host upgrade
## Release Cycle
The CentOS Atomic Host image follows the upstream Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Atomic Host cadence. After sources are released, they're rebuilt
and included in new images. After the images are tested by the SIG and
deemed ready, we announce them.
## Getting Involved
CentOS Atomic Host is produced by the CentOS Atomic SIG
(http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Atomic), based on
upstream work from Project Atomic (http://www.projectatomic.io/). If
you'd like to work on testing images, help with packaging,
documentation -- join us!
The SIG meets every two weeks on Tuesday at 04:00 UTC in
#centos-devel, and on the alternating weeks, meets as part of the
Project Atomic community meeting at 16:00 UTC on Monday in the #atomic
channel. You'll often find us in #atomic and/or #centos-devel if you
have questions. You can also join the atomic-devel
(https://lists.projectatomic.io/mailman/listinfo/atomic-devel) mailing
list if you'd like to discuss the direction of Project Atomic, its
components, or have other questions.
## Getting Help
If you run into any problems with the images or components, feel free
to ask on the centos-devel
(http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-devel) mailing list.
Have questions about using Atomic? See the atomic
(https://lists.projectatomic.io/mailman/listinfo/atomic) mailing list
or find us in the #atomic channel on Freenode.
It's time for our weekly PaaS SIG sync-up meeting
Time: 1700 UTC - Wedensdays (date -d "1700 UTC")
Date: Today Wedensday, 20 September 2017
Where: IRC- Freenode - #centos-devel
- OpenShift Current Status
-- rpms
-- Automated rpm building and Automated testing
-- Multi-arch
-- Documentation
-- Images and Image building
-- minishift
-- kompose
- Open Floor
Minutes from last meeting:
You're probably aware, but the sources of 7.4.1708 are still missing.
Somewhere last night all directories were created, but most of them (all
but 'rt') are still empty.
Is there a Git repository with the source code for the centos-packager package?
I'm interested in adding a feature to centos-cert to allow downloading
the CAs without re-generating a user cert (basically splitting up
download_cert() in /usr/bin/centos-cert.)
This would make it easier to run cbs in Jenkins with ephemeral cloud
slaves, without having to hardcode the
https://accounts.centos.org/ca/ca-cert.pem URL in the job's code.
It also looks like the centos-packager.spec's License field says
"GPLv2+", whereas the COPYING file is the GPLv3, so it would be good
to make these align.
- Ken