Earlier in the evening today Ralph, Fabian and I had a chat about the
present state of the language subsites. This email sort of summarises
the main issue ( s/w ).
We seem to have run into a slight technical hitch with punbb/fluxbb.
They dont support LDAP as a backend. And we had decided a few months
back that all new rollouts must have ldap backend so we can rollin
CentOS-DS / openldap based backend.
So we need to look at alternatives, and since the primary focus of these
international sites is going be forums : Here is a shortlist ( if there
is anything else that people are aware of, please add to this list )
- phpBB
- Fudforum
- phorum
- fluxbb
- Must be able to scale ( couple of hundred thousand msgs )
- Must be able to handle ldap auth ( if it cant, whats involved in
writing the ldap-auth portion )
- Must address the specific requirements raised by the present
www.centos.org forum users ( Can you please fill this section in ? )
- Must support all languages we need ( pure utf8 support would be good )
- Secure
- Skin'able
Nice to have:
- Capable of running multiple instances from a single deployment
- responsive community :D
Things we will need to do:
- Decide on what s/w to use.
- Give the ArtWork people enough time to get the look & feel sorted.
- Migrate newbb forums from www.centos.org to $system ( hey, english is
a language too :D ).
- Migrate fr.centos.org into the final s/w
- setup {de/es/ja/it/pt_br}.centos.org
Ralph and Fabian are going to work on setting up a test ldap server,
once that is online we will then start by installing into our
test-vm-farm the various s/w to eval them.
If anyone would like to help, please feel free to jump right in.
I'll setup a wiki page for this issue, which might be a good place to
track progress.
Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219@icq
To all the artists and designers here, we need your help.
With RHEL 8 beta released, we need to start producing artwork for CentOS
8. It's time for the CentOS Artwork SIG, and anyone else that's
interested in contributing to this effort, to start working on
everything that will be needed for the new release.
What we know we need is anaconda artwork, and new desktop backgrounds to
replace the current '7' themed stuff.
As we dig, we may find more things that need to be updated to the new 8
Additionally, we will need to update some of the assets listed here:
... and produce new assets for 8 to be listed here:
And, finally, we need someone to step up to lead this effort.
While we don't yet know for certain when RHEL 8 will officially release,
it's safe to assume that it's soon, and we need your help.
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166
Hi, as mentioned in
https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2018-September/016949.htmlmirrorlist.centos.org has been updated to produce mirror lists for SIG
content as well. Some centos-release-* packages have already been
modified to use mirrorlist.centos.org instead of mirror.centos.org, but
many still point to mirror.centos.org.
Most of mirror.centos.org hosts are also used for seeding the 600+
external mirrors we have. By directing some of their download traffic to
external mirrors we can offer faster sync speeds for those external
mirrors, and for people downloading individual rpms from
mirror.centos.org. Second, most of those external mirrors offer faster
download speeds to end users than what could be achieved by downloading
from mirror.centos.org, so the users will benefit from this change as
well. The better geographical coverage does not hurt either.
mirror.centos.org nodes are donated servers, and it would be kind to the
sponsors to use their bandwidth sparingly.
The .repo files should be modified so that the current baseurl line gets
commented out and a mirrorlist entry gets added, like this:
Note that mirrorlist.c.o can automatically choose between main and
altarch content based on the arch parameter. The repo names are
constructed from the repository path by stripping away the architecture
and changing any slashes to dashes: sclo/x86_64/rh -> sclo-rh,
sclo/x86_64/sclo -> sclo-sclo, paas/x86_64/openshift-origin311 ->
paas-openshift-origin311, storage/x86_64/gluster-5 -> storage-gluster-5
etc. You can use 'curl' to check what mirrorlist outputs for your
New repos are added to mirrorlist.centos.org automatically once the
repository hits mirror.centos.org. That script is currently run every
three hours. I guess it could be run more frequently (it's fairly
lightweight), but you should give the external mirrors a few hours to
sync before announcing your release anyway.
You can either submit an update to your current centos-release-* file
now, or wait until you need to create a new centos-release-* package for
other reasons such as releasing softwarepackage-(version+1) which uses
different paths. My recommendation would be to submit an update to your
current centos-release-* package, so that you would not need to worry
about this when you eventually need to publish a new one for other
reasons. We released an updated centos-release package for CentOS
AltArch before 7.6.1810 was released for this exact reason, ie. we
didn't need to worry about this change at 7.6.1810 release time.
Other people (such as bstinson, arrfab and hughesjr) can probably help
with creating and publishing an updated centos-release-* package, but
the usual tagging procedure to extras will apply. The SIG Guide
https://wiki.centos.org/SIGGuide should have all the needed details for
this (if not, complain to bstinson). It is highly recommended to
actually test your new centos-release-* package from buildlogs before
you ask that package to be signed and pushed to extras.
The holiday season is fast approaching so (I) don't expect much activity
regarding these changes in the following days. I'm hoping that the SIGs
would take a look at this in early 2019, though. Thanks to those SIGs
who have already made these changes to their centos-release-* packages!
If you have questions, feel free to ask either here or on #centos-devel.
Thanks for your time!
Hi all,
I'd like to contribute to websites belonging to CentOS. How can I start,
what's the best way ? One suggestion I have, is to migrate centos.org
from nanoc to a python based static site generator for example pelican.
best regards,
Yet another package available in centos-sclo-sclo-testing
NGINX Unit is a dynamic web and application server, designed to
run applications in multiple languages. Unit is lightweight, polyglot,
and dynamically configured via API. The design of the server allows
reconfiguration of specific application parameters as needed by the
engineering or operations.
See https://unit.nginx.org/
unit-php is the module for the php language
designed to work with "unit" from official nginx repository.
For rh-php72 (EL-7 only)
* sclo-php72-unit-php-1.8.0-1
For rh-php71 (EL-7 only)
* sclo-php71-unit-php-1.8.0-1
For rh-php70
* sclo-php70-unit-php-1.8.0-1
P.S. https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo
The CentOS Atomic SIG has released an updated version
(https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Atomic/Download) of
CentOS Atomic Host (7.1902), an operating system designed to run Linux
containers, built from standard CentOS 7 RPMs, and tracking the
component versions included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host.
CentOS Atomic Host includes these core component versions:
* atomic-1.22.1-26.gitb507039.el7.centos.x86_64
* rpm-ostree-client-2018.5-2.atomic.el7.x86_64
* ostree-2018.5-1.el7.x86_64
* cloud-init-18.2-1.el7.centos.1.x86_64
* docker-1.13.1-91.git07f3374.el7.centos.x86_64
* kernel-3.10.0-957.5.1.el7.x86_64
* podman-
* flannel-0.7.1-4.el7.x86_64
* etcd-3.3.11-2.el7.centos.x86_64
## Download CentOS Atomic Host
CentOS Atomic Host is available as a VirtualBox or libvirt-formatted
Vagrant box, or as an installable ISO, qcow2 or Amazon Machine image.
For links to media, see the CentOS wiki
## Upgrading
If you're running a previous version of CentOS Atomic Host, you can
upgrade to the current image by running the following command:
# atomic host upgrade
## Release Cycle
The CentOS Atomic Host image follows the upstream Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Atomic Host cadence. After sources are released, they're rebuilt
and included in new images. After the images are tested by the SIG and
deemed ready, we announce them.
## Getting Involved
CentOS Atomic Host is produced by the CentOS Atomic SIG
(http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Atomic) based on
upstream work from Project Atomic (http://www.projectatomic.io/) If
you'd like to work on testing images, help with packaging,
documentation -- join us!
You'll often find us in #atomic and/or #centos-devel if you have
questions. You can also join the atomic-devel
(https://lists.projectatomic.io/mailman/listinfo/atomic-devel) mailing
list if you'd like to discuss the direction of Project Atomic, its
components, or have other questions.
## Getting Help
If you run into any problems with the images or components, feel free
to ask on the centos-devel
(http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-devel) mailing list.
Have questions about using Atomic? See the atomic
(https://lists.projectatomic.io/mailman/listinfo/atomic) mailing list
or find us in the #atomic channel on Freenode.
Does anyone know why the headless openjdk now requires gtk2? Changelogs
say "see RHBZ 1598152" but that bug is private. It looks like the
change was intended to affect the "headful" package and not the headless
Curiosity has the better of me.
I would like to ask what is status of dist-git in CentOS? Do you use it is as bunch of packages or as package?
Originally dist-git was just bunch of packages copied to propper places. But since we started using dist-git in Copr we
packaged it:
and gave it propper upstream:
Copr and Fedora now use this package. Does CentOS use this package or do you have just files you maintain on your own?
#rdo: RDO meeting - 2019-03-13
Meeting started by mjturek at 15:00:13 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* roll call (mjturek, 15:00:28)
* Logging woes for containers job (mjturek, 15:03:45)
* As per tripleo-ci change pike w/ ceph is workikng again (see
https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19141 + depends-on) (mjturek,
* Ansible 2.7 blocked in Stein on Nautilus build on PPC (fultonj,
* LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18721 (mjturek, 15:08:06)
* LINK: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=15906 (fultonj, 15:11:09)
* PPC build of ceph nautilus is failing with an OOM, need to talk with
centos folks for help here. E-mail sent and bug opened (mjturek,
* chair for next meeting (mjturek, 15:16:01)
* amoralej to chair next meeting (mjturek, 15:16:48)
* open floor (mjturek, 15:17:17)
* LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19236/ (mjturek,
Meeting ended at 15:32:15 UTC.
People present (lines said)
* mjturek (45)
* fultonj (26)
* amoralej (25)
* ykarel (20)
* openstack (9)
* jschlueter (4)
* rdogerrit (3)
* gfidente (3)
* baha (2)
* PagliaccisCloud (1)
* jpena (1)
* Duck (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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