On Tue, Dec 08, 2020 at 12:44:36PM -0600, Robert G. (Doc) Savage via CentOS wrote:
> > CentOS 8's future is not looking bright. Recently deployed CentOS8 on my
> > production workload and now hearing this. What do other folks think
> > about this?
> Speaking only for myself, I am ready to give up on CentOS (and Red Hat)
> entirely. Fedora meets all my clients' needs with none of the chaos.
I definitely appreciate the vote of confidence in Fedora! You're not alone
in using Fedora in a lot of serious ways.
However, I really encourage everyone to give this a chance. This is
(post-Fedora) RHEL development opening up in a new way, and CentOS is
central to it. That's a good place to be!
Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader