Per discussion on this list some time ago
, and also aligned with CentOS Stream 8 EOL (including for SIGs
content), we'll proceed next Monday with the announced change :
The SIG that opted in to build against/for RHEL8 (and not CentOS Stream
8) had their packages pushed the same way centos linux 7 was.
Per thread linked above, there was a proposal from the kmods SIG (and no
other SIG minded against) to start pushing to the network (instead of "legacy",
which will be empty soon), and so starting to be using mirrormanager (as service itself will disappear end of June, due
centos linux 7 going EOL)
Since March 2024, there was a script that was just keeping<SIG>/ content in sync with the new
destination<SIG>/ .
That ensured that SIGs would have enough time to communicate the new
location and also provide eventually newer .repo files
# What will happen next week ?
Content from will be emptied (for both 8-stream and 8)
and SIG content for 8 (rhel8) will be pushed to new location directly
(no intermediate step)
# What about your .repo files ?
Same rule as for 9-stream and so documented in the SIG guide :
Kind Regards,
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project |
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | @arrfab[]
As announced multiple times (see…)
, CentOS Stream 8 reached now EOL (End Of Life)
That means that all content was removed from (and so from downstream
third-party mirrors) earlier today.
The latest compose from today was archived to Vault
( and will *never* receive any more
update (security or else)
SIGs content was also archived to same place, and koji/buildsystem tags
"locked down".
To reflect that "unmaintained state", started also
to answer "Invalid release/repo/arch combination" , like we always did
for all the previous EOL'ed releases.
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project |
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | @arrfab[]
As announced some time ago, CentOS Stream 8 reached EOL (End Of Life)
and so will be archived today.
For that reason, CentOS Stream 8 duffy nodes (see…)
were removed from configuration and pool cleared out
Kind Regards,
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project |
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | @arrfab[]